Funkworks: 4 pack (Funktion-One)
Audience coverage: approx. 100 to 500 people.
2: Funktion - One: tops (Res 4 or EVO-7eh)
(high quality three-way tri-amped)
2: Funktion - One: F221 subs (each 5 1/2 foot
box has 2: 21 inch drivers)
Funkworks: 12 pack: (Funktion - One)
Audience coverage: approx. 1.5k people.
4: Funktion - One: Tops: (Res 4 or EVO-7eh)
(high quality three-way tri-amped)
6: Funktion - One: F221 subs (each 5 1/2 foot
box has 2: 21 inch drivers)
2: Funktion - One: F215 mid-bass
With this configuration, the F221 subs lay on their side for more low end.
The mid-bass gives warmth that helps combine the subs with the Resolution 4 tops.
- Audio -
Here you can scroll through the different packages we offer.
Funktion-One in L.A. / LA Funktion-One / L.A. Funktion-One / Funktion - One LA / FunktionOne LA / F1 LA
Funktion-OneEvo Package:18 box: Evo system
Audience coverage: approx: 3500 people.
6: Funktion - One: Evo 7 tops
12: Funktion - One: F221 subs
Funkworks: 8 pack (Funktion-One)
Audience coverage: approx. 400 to 800 people.
4: Funktion - One: tops: (Res 4 or EVO-7eh)
(high quality three-way tri-amped)
4: Funktion - One: F221 subs (each 5 1/2 foot
box has 2: 21 inch drivers)
Funkworks: 10 pack (Funktion-One)
Audience coverage: approx. 600 to 1k people.
4: Funktion - One: Tops: (EVO-7eh or Res-4)
(high quality three-way tri-amped)
4: Funktion - One: F221 subs (each 5 1/2 foot
box has 2: 21 inch drivers)
2: Funktion - One: F215 mid-bass
With this configuration, the F221 subs lay on their side for more low end.
The mid-bass gives warmth that helps combine the subs with the tops.